Navy Veteran Ralph Forney Secures His Home for the Future

Ralph Forney, a Navy veteran, and his wife Cora have lived in their Atlantic Beach home for 40 years. As most houses do with time, the Forney home needed a fresh coat of paint and new caulk to protect it from the elements. Beaches Habitat’s team, through the Senior and Veteran Home Repair Program, set to work with the support of some fantastic volunteers.

As the exterior work began, the Forneys expressed concern that their windows weren’t holding up like they used to. The Beaches Habitat team agreed. When the Home Depot Foundation awarded Beaches Habitat a Repair Corps grant to assist Veterans with necessary repairs, the Forneys applied and were approved for new windows.

Staff member Brigid Barrett took the lead, training and guiding volunteers as they set and sealed each window. Thanks to the team effort, Ralph and Cora will continue to live in the home where they raised their six children knowing they are protected against future harsh weather for years to come.

With hurricane season on everyone’s mind, thanks to your support, the Senior and Veteran Home Repair Program has provided an opportunity for senior and Veteran homeowners to continue to live in their homes safely, comfortably, and affordably. Your contributions have made stories like Ralph and Cora’s possible for 12 families this year and with your support, Beaches Habitat’s Repair Program will continue to grow and serve more families.

You can help! By donating or volunteering with Beaches Habitat, you can ensure that more veterans like Ralph have a safe place to call home.

Exterior of home being repaired
Early in the Repair
Exterior of home after repair
After the repair was completed