Homeowner Randy Brown Gets a Fresh Start

Randy Brown, a Jacksonville native, grew up as the youngest of ten children in a loving but crowded family. In 1941, his parents built two houses on their lot on Alley Road, one for the boys and one for the girls. Hurricane Dora destroyed the boys’ house in 1964, bringing the entire family together under one roof.

In his youth, Randy attended school in the beach communities before proudly serving in the Army for six years as a supply clerk. Much of his service was in Frankfurt, Germany, though it was during the time of the Vietnam War. His brother was in Vietnam and the government prevented him from going to avoid having both brothers in the war zone.

After his military service, Randy found work at Motorola in Pompano Beach. But when his mother’s health declined, he returned to Jacksonville to care for her. He worked in construction until health issues forced him to stop.

Over the years, time and weather took their toll on Randy’s family home. When a 2018 hurricane left his house uninhabitable, Randy moved into a one-bedroom camper on the property without much hope to repair his home.

And then came a call from Beaches Habitat. After confirming he was a Veteran, they told him about their Home Repair Program. When they inspected his home, they found it beyond repair but offered an alternative: demolish the old house and build a new one on the same property with affordable financing.

Randy couldn’t believe his ears. The offer felt like a miracle, and with gratitude in his heart, he accepted. Within the next year, Randy will have a new home to call his own, and it would not be possible without the kindness and generosity of you, Beaches Habitat’s supporters. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or spreading the word, your involvement can transform lives.