Message from the CEO

On June 22nd, I received a fantastic birthday present!

It was a cloudy morning, with rain threatening to start at any moment, but there were smiles all around as local officials, supporters, staff, and volunteers gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking of Coastal Haven, our future 44-townhome neighborhood.

We owe thanks to so many for making this day possible. Our CFO, Debbie Jones, and past CEO, Curtis Ford played key roles in securing the property. We’re also grateful to several companies and individuals for their initial financial support, especially Larry and Nancy Huang, and Brent and Sandy Paris. Their incredible generosity is being honored through the naming of the neighborhood and the street, respectively.

Standing on the brink of this amazing project is truly inspiring. Over the next six years, 44 families will partner with us to build this neighborhood. These families will no longer worry about making expensive rent payments or fear losing their leases. With stable and affordable homes, they can invest in their futures, save money, and take better care of themselves and their loved ones.

Building this community is no small task. Our team estimates that this project will cost approximately $10 million to complete. But we are so grateful to be part of such a generous community. With your continued support, Coastal Haven will become a place where 44 families can start new chapters in their lives. Thanks to you, these families will have safe and affordable homes. Your commitment will make Coastal Haven a beacon of hope in Northeast Florida!

Thank you for making such a powerful impact in the journey to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Affordable housing is a right for all, not a privilege for a few!

With gratitude,

Steve Gilbert Signature

Steve Gilbert
President & CEO

P.S. Want to get more involved? Learn more about volunteering, donating, and attending our upcoming event, Beach Bash!